Openbox Sx6 Hd Firmware

  воскресенье 02 декабря
Openbox Sx6 Hd Firmware Rating: 10,0/10 3876 votes

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Quote: Change log: 1) Thailand epg show error. Thanks our friend help to send ts file for us testing whose nick name is zcache in freesat forum. 2) add option for new epg style main menu / System / Other Setting /EPG UI style Style 1: the old ui(Default) Style 2: the new ui 3) Added fast key to switch video output mode or format. We try to support some old TV or some signal mode TV Press menu key to main menu.(Panel show '----') press Green key to switch NTSC/PAL, the panel will show 'PAL ' or 'NTSC' Press Stop key to switch the video format PAL mode: the panel will show '576I' -- '576P' -- '720P'(50HZ) --'1080I'(50HZ) --'1080P'(50HZ) NTSC mode: the panel will show '480I' -- '480P' -- '720P'(60HZ) --'1080I'(60HZ) --'1080P'(60HZ) 4) Add Macedonia Language UI --- Thanks Vlatko Postolov help to. 5) Add Finland and Swedish UI Language. --- thanks Kalle Juntura took many time to translate.

6) some PowerVu channel didn't play smoothly 7) Preset Yamal 401 at 90.0°E TP List. Quote: -Freesat_v7_hd Freesat_v7combo Freesat_v7Max.bin 1) scroll the long channel name 2) generated powervu key for 121.00W-3982-V-29269 thanks GADAPH BUSHAGAMA help to catch the channel data. 3) added Thai and Indonesia Language 4) modify the Thai epg problem 5) the db tool don't show correctly FAV group name when dumped only channel list Freesat V7 Combo-ATSC: 1) scroll the long channel name 2) generated powervu key for 121.00W-3982-V-29269 thanks GADAPH BUSHAGAMA help to catch the channel data. 3) added Thai and Indonesia Language 4) modify the Thai epg problem 5) the db tool don't show correctly FAV group name when dumped only channel list 6) support update V7HD /V7 combo channel list to Combo-ATSC box. Quote: Freesat_v7combo Freesat_v7Max.bin Importance Notice: We found one bug: the channel list(dumped by user db mode) don't be updated back in last fw. Please do the following step: a)Update maincode b)backup user db 1) Thai language modify --- thanks Dumnern Suksumrarn took many times to adjust.

2) Indonesia subtitle don't auto display --- thanks Henrianto Leo sent ts file for me debug 3) 121.00W-3841-H-30000 powervu key generated. 4) some audio channel don't output sound -Freesat_v7_hd.bin Importance Notice: We found one bug: the channel list(dumped by user db mode) don't be updated back in last fw. Please do the following step: a)Update maincode b)backup user db 1) 121.00W-3841-H-30000 powervu key generated. 2) some audio channel don't output sound. Freesat V7 Firmware () ------------------------------------------------- Notice: Please do the following steps: 1) backup the channel list(user db + system data). 2) export the softcam.key to usb device 3) update the firmware to box by allcode mode 4) update channel list then import softcam.key ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Thai language modify --- thanks Dumnern Suksumrarn took many times to adjust. 2) Added facebook feature --- main menu/network/facebook 3) more biger subtitle 4) audio channel can be record 5) timer record bug.